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Discover the fundamental principles of color, value, composition, and traditional materials through observational work in our course led by Nikki and Martiza. Our aim is to enhance students' "seeing" skills and provide a comprehensive understanding of material application.


Throughout the course, students will engage in a series of observational and still life projects, exploring various techniques to solidify their understanding of mediums and produce technical work that reflects their unique style and strengths.


This accelerated course is comprised of 5 instructional sessions and 5 guided open working days. These guided sessions offer valuable time for students to further develop and complete their projects, experiment with techniques, and nurture their artistic process beyond class time.


This course is open to anyone who loves to create, whether you're a beginner or looking to build your portfolio. We welcome all students, regardless of experience or skill level.


Please let us know about any allergies or medical conditions. We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe in our studio.


Unlimited access to project materials and open studios hours throughout the semester.



Required Student Supplies:

(Items available for purchase at studio for $35)

1. Sketchbook

2. Art portfolio

3. Paint saver kit



Class Dates & Time:


  • 5 instructional classes with Nikki & Maritza

    • Tuesdays, 10 AM - 1 PM

    • July: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

  • 5 guided optional open studio working days with Maritza

    • Wednesdays, 10 AM - 1 PM

    • July: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st


Instructors: Nikki Giraffo & Maritza Lezama



    Before adding to cart, please note:


    Each student must annually register for our programs, providing vital contact details, photo release permissions, and relevant financial aid data.

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